SEA-PAH's Monthly board meeting where we discuss topics important to keeping the organization running and give our members an opportunity to be a part of the decision making.

Minute Taker

Glenn Post


Flash Fritzler
1 Roll Call/Quorum For Action
2 Call to Order For Action
3 Approve Agenda For Action
4 Motion: Approve Meeting Minutes from February Board Meeting as Distributed For Action
5 Old Business
6 New Business
6. 1 Open Floor to Guests
7 Treasurer - Nova Shepherd For Noting
7. 1 Budget of Accounts For Noting
8 Vice President - Pup Spike For Noting
8. 1 Standard SEA-PAH Membership 21 years of age or older 247(Active) 65(Expired) For Noting
8. 2 Associate Membership 18-20 years of age 6(Active) 3(Expired)
8. 3 Total Memberships 251(Active) 75(Expired)
8. 4 5 new memberships since last batch of tags sent out
8. 5 Bunny Brigade egg stuffing update
8. 6 Approve time line
8. 7 Motion for reimbursement for the Uhaul trailer for Pride ($47.95)
8. 8 Camp K9
8. 9 Dog House re Camp k9 dance sponsorship. Pop up shop Sponsoring the dj's **will need an email with the request
8. 10 Merchandising (Wristbands, tote bags, paddles)
8. 11 Anniversary Weekend
9 Events and Fundraising Committee For Noting
10 Audit Committee
11 LEEP For Discussion
12 Welcoming Committee For Noting
13 President - Pup Flash For Noting
13. 1 Motion: Reimburse for pool rental
14 Monthly Walkies For Discussion
14. 1 Motion: Augment Anniversary budget
15 Secretary - Fenrir For Noting
15. 1 Membership survey
16 Ambassador - Pup Domino For Noting
16. 1 May Leep Class; Figure Drawing For Discussion
17 Public Relations - Pup Tye For Noting
18 Director at Large - Pup Diesel For Noting
19 Director at Large - Mint For Noting
20 Director at Large - Seal
21 Motion: Close Meeting For Action

CC's Seattle Doghouse Leathers The Cuff Complex Imperial Court of Seattle The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the Abbey of St. Joan