SEA-PAH's Monthly board meeting where we discuss topics important to keeping the organization running and give our members an opportunity to be a part of the decision making.

Minute Taker

Glenn Post


Flash Fritzler
1 Call to Order For Action
2 Roll Call/Quorum For Action
3 Motion: Approve Meeting Minutes from November Board Meeting as Distributed For Action
4 Approve Agenda For Action
5 Open Floor to Guests For Discussion
6 Old Business For Discussion
7 New Business For Discussion
8 Treasurer - Nova Shepherd For Noting
8. 1 Budget of Accounts general fund: $14,292.14 donation fund: 5,740.05 scholarship fund: $1,146.39 For Noting
9 Vice President - Pup Spike For Noting
9. 1 Standard SEA-PAH Membership 21 years of age or older -Active 306 -Expired 98
9. 2 Associate Membership 18-20 years of age -Active 2 -Expired 8
9. 3 Total Memberships -Active 309 -Expired 109 For Noting
10 Events and Fundraising Committee For Noting
10. 1 Unleashed For Discussion
10. 2 January fundraiser For Discussion
10. 3 WET Mosh
10. 4 Seattle Erotic Arts Festival For Discussion
11 LEEP For Discussion
12 Merchandise Committee For Discussion
13 Monthly Walkies For Discussion
13. 1 Queer Capitol History: Walking Tour For Discussion
13. 2 Winter pool party at Medgar Evers
14 Ambassador Committee For Noting
15 Election Committee For Discussion
16 Annual General Meeting
17 President - Pup Flash For Noting
17. 1 Switching storage units
18 Secretary - Fenrir For Noting
19 Ambassador - Pup Domino For Noting
20 Puppy Relations - Pup Tye For Noting
20. 1 Friends of SEA-PAH pins/award
20. 2 Election drive at a mosh
21 Director at Large - Mint For Noting
22 Director at Large - Pup Diesel For Noting
23 Director at Large - Seal For Discussion
24 Spike
25 Motion: Close Meeting For Action

CC's Seattle Doghouse Leathers The Cuff Complex Imperial Court of Seattle The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, the Abbey of St. Joan